Date: Feb 03 2001 12:15:33 EST
From: "The Damned News Letter" <>
Subject: Belated Damned Newsletter

Hey folks,

Sorry this is about 5 days late. I have been running around like a chicken
with its head chopped off and by weeks end have been hacking up some
really attractive yellow stuff... Who's Hard-core now?? (LOL)

Anyhow in this issue:

The Damned return to Portland, ME and attempt to regain their EWA Tag

Dr. Heresy and Mad Dog team up back stage.

Some announcements...

Upcoming dates where you can get DAMNED!


January 26th, Portland Maine. The Eastern Wrestling Alliance debuts at
the Stevens Avenue Armory.

First, I'm sure any of the newsletter subscribers who were in attendance
can back me up on this. The place was packed. Somewhere I heard the figure
of 268 paid? Anyhow, that helped moral in the locker room and we all got
ready to see how the crowd would react. This crowd seemed lively. Nice
start for the night...

Tag-Team Qualifying Match #1 - Steve Ramsey/Damian Houston vs Mind and
Matter: Ramsey pinned a distracted Dr. Heresy with a school boy roll-up.
Ramsey and Houston advance to the Triple Threat Tag Team Title Main Event.

Chris Venom vs Tripleicious (EWA Debut): Venom wins with a illegal chain
shot, followed by a version of a suplex. A quick note: Venom had wrestled
on the last Portland show, losing a tough match to Johnny Idol. Both he &
Trip are guys who are currently training with the Damned at our training

Tag-Team Qualifying Match #2 - Damned with Dr. Payne vs Asian Contingent
with Iron Chef: During the match, Dr. Payne & Iron Chef fight and roll
under the ring. The Damned try to throw powder in the faces of the Asians,
but get it kicked into their faces by the Asians. The Iron Chef comes out
from under the ring, dressed in Dr. Paynes clothes and a black wig. He
then convinces the now blinded Damned that he is Dr. Payne. He covinces
the Damned to head back to the locker room, but halfway back they get
their eyes wiped, and attack the imposter. The Damned charge back to the
ring and beat the Asian Contingent with a awesome modified power bomb-top
rope frog splash combination, to advance to the main event. After the
match a dazed Dr. Payne emerges from under the ring, wearing nothing but a
goofy pair of boxers. Another Note: The Asians have come LIGHT YEARS ahead
fo where they were in our first match in Skowhegan, ME this summer. The
crowd really seemed to enjoy this match, as did we, throwing in a few
innovative spots to the outside, as well as the two Asians who also
decided to fly.

After intermission, Commissioner Brian Black announces that EWA
Heavyweight Champion Dave Vicious has suffered a career threatening ankle
injury that will sideline him for several months, if not end his career.
He then announces a Heavyweight Title Tournement to crown a new champion
will begin at the next EWA show at the Stevens Avenue Armory which will be
either the end of February, or beginning of March.

Brian Day with Alexander Worthington vs Chad Champski: Double DQ when
Champski TEAMS with Day and attacks Commish Brian Black.

Hardcore Title Triple Threat Lumberjack Match - Frankie Armadillo vs
Kildevil vs Larry Huntley with Hardcore Honey: After about 15 minutes of
brutal action, all the lumberjacks somehow ended up in the ring with the
participants at the same time!! The ring was filled with weapons flying
everywhere in complete chaos. As people started to slowly empty the ring a
dazed Armadillo was left in the center of the ring which led to Larry
hooking his "Choke out" submission on from behind. Armadillo quickly
tapped out, leaving the winner and new EWA Hardcore Champion, Larry
Huntley!! The fans went nuts and a huge in ring celebration followed.

Triple Threat Tag Team Tile Match - Worthington/Hastey vs Ramsey/Houston
vs Damned: The action in the main event was non stop for about 15 minutes
with the Damned seeming to be the most in control. Worthington again did
very little to attempt to win this match for his team including stopping a
potential pinning attempt on Houston. When Worthington was in he was
mostly dominated by his old nemisis Steve Ramsey. Adam Hastey once again
showed his never die attitude, and at on point put the Damned's manager
through a table on the floor with a version of a senton bomb. The end came
when it appeared the Damned would put away Hastey the same way they did
the Asians earlier in the evening. As Mad Dog had Hasty on his shoulders
for the modified power bomb, and Draven was on the top rope for the frog
slpash, Hasty caused Mad Dog to back into the ropes, which caused Draven
to croth himself on the top turnbuckle. A quick hurancunrana by Hasty, and
a hook of the leg, led to Hasty getting the 1,2,3. Hastey and Worthington
stay champs, much to the dismay of Worthington. A smirking Hastey walks
way with both Tag Belts.
Note: This match was also good, but not as smooth as the earlier match
with the Asians. Damian "chop-target" houston took a heck of a beating
before tagging in Adam Hastey.


January 27th: South Coast Championship Wrestling at the Pembroke Middle
School, Pembroke, MA.

In front of another lively crowd, the SCCW brought two ring stars to
entertain the people. In an earlier match... "Mr. USA" Tony Atlas defeated
"The Punisher" Don Vega in a great match with great heat. Native American
Tatanka beat Dr. Heresy following the "Papoose-to-go".

In other matches:

Damian Houston defeated Frankie Armadillo with the 450 splash.

Interstate Champion Nick Steele pinned Johnny Angel.

Heavyweight Champion Don Juan Desanto defeated Adam Booker by pin.

(apologies as I don't remember the rest of the card and SCCW has yet to
post results on its webpage.

In a three-way tag team match (titles not on the line). Global Domination
(Sundragon of EWA's Asian Continency & Cuba's Mighty Cubator) defeated the
Damned and The Hott Boyz (Champs):

This was an elimination tag team match. It started with the Hotts facing
off with members of Global Dom. After a few stalemate openers, we charged
in only to be double teamed by BOTH our opposing tag teams. We took off
for higher ground, only to be nailed with a barrage of high flying
maneuvers to the outside. Topes, planchas, and more (Sundragon got
sickening height on his plancha). Draven snuck back in the ring for his
Cannonball Senton off the chair. He hit (and also dislocated his thumb on
the head of one of the Hott Boyz). We head back in the ring and finally
take over on Sundragon. He eventually survives our onslaught and tags DJ
Hott. He comes in a house of fire and the HOTTS nail me with "Poetry in
Motion". Instead of going for a pin, DJ celebrates and is cut down by
Draven's stiziff clothesline of doom. I grab DJ and give him my half of
Total Damnation (the "last-ride" powerbomb) and Draven finished with a
frog-splash. We pinned DJ and the champs were eliminated. Global
domination were back in and we attacked. The match went a little longer
and somehow the ref allowed BOTH men to pin us, with hands full of our
tights!!! Amazing what will happen when Kevin, the world's youngest
looking ref is in there. Anyhow, the crowd cheered and gave us jeers as
we walked back to the locker room.

As for the Heresy and Mad Dog team up... You all know that Tatanka is one
of those Native Americans who specialize in knife edge chops. We convinced
the whole locker room to chip in if Heresy would lay into Tatanka with
chops first (usually a nearly suicidal move). They all jumped on the idea.
What they DIDN'T know (til now) is that we ALSO brought Tatanka in on
this. He was all for our "freedom of enterprise". Anxiously, the locker
room crowded around the monitor to see if ole Reggie Heresy would earn his
money. Bang, Bang... no that isn't a Cactus Jack allusion, Heresy laid in
two chops and he had earned his pay. Tatanka unleashed with probably 9 of
his own. The match in all reality was really good. Heresy got great heel
heat (and a friggin great promo!!) and Tatanka was way over, as usual.
Heresy came back and collected his "earnings" and gave me my cut (I think
Tatanka knew I was in on this, because he gave me shit-eating grins the
rest of the night LOL).


Thursday night February 1st: JC Marxxx and I decided to attend the RIWA
show just miles away from where I grew up... Burrilville High School (alma
mater of my fiancee Adrienne and PLW's Sub-Zero).

Jake Roberts and Brutus Beefcake were scheduled to be the headliners.

What can I say about the show.... The draw was impressive. The hall was
packed and the crowd WANTED To be hot.

There were some pops and entertaining moments, but the big problem is the
majority of the guys wrestling were untrained. Obvious exceptions to this
were "Punisher" Don Vega and "Hollywood" Johnny Nash. In MY mind it would
have made sence to put Punisher in there with Jake or Brutus, as he is
VERY consistant with his heel heat. No Dice. He was tagged with The Intern
and they squashed some guys I don't even know the names of. Overall, what
can I say about the show... The guys were nice.

I'm not trying to shit on any of the guys who made tis a successful
fundraiser, there was just an obvious lack of training and psychology.

Jake Roberts came out to amazing heat as he faced Wolverine. Seeing as
this was basically a baby-baby match, it maintained the heat due to Jake's
popularity (and legend). This match was very short. Jake basically did the
Short arm clothesline and the DDT after overcoming an early attack by
Wolvie. This was the last match on the first half of the card... So we
assumed Beefcake would wrestle in the main... he didn't.

Amanda Storm was there and had a "cat fight" with Cassie Straytor. Amanda
is way good people and we bullshit before the show. I finally had the
money to pick up her book, and am almost done reading it two days later.
This is a great read, I would recommend it for any wrestling fan.
("Blakwidow: My First Year As A Professional Wrestler by Amanda Storm).
(Available on her website and I DID get a
big kick out of the handful of references to ME in it...

Just look for the story about her biting my junk following a leg drop.
Mentioning a 270 pound Monster with the last name of STorm.. and of course
where she call me Satan (LOL).

Draven Report:

You may be wondering why I have yet to mention anything about Draven or
the condition of his thumb etc. Well, the lucky bastard has been in Long
Island, NY all week, chilling at Spence Money land (aka Fraggle Rock).
From what i hear, the thumb still is hurting him, but the swelling is down
and it LOOKS normal. He returns home just in time for the NCW show tonite.


Upcoming shows with the Damned:

February 3rd (tonite) 7PM:
Northeast Championship Wrestling
VFW post #311 in Seekonk, RI

Onyx battles Chris Venom for the NCW Heavyweight Title
The Damned 1 year anniversary speech
& more!

February 10:
Nittany Wrestling Federation
White Building, State College, PA

A unique match has us defending the titles against the team that the fans
pick online!!!

To Vote:

February 11:
South Coast Championship Wrestling
Bob's Bar & Grille in MA

Who know who we are facing LOL

February 16:
Intercontinental Wrestling Alliance
Riverside Beneficial Hall in Reading, PA

We defend the IWA Tag Team Titles

February 17th:
Independent Connecticut Championship Wrestling
The Great American Bar & Grille in Plainfield, CT

We defend the ICCW Tag Titles in a 4 way match against Carnage Inc,
Kilgor/Duff, and the Power Company.

February 22:
Intercontinental Wrestling Alliance
Potsville, PA

Another match defending the IWA titles against The Matrix!

also on the card: Steve Corino, Super Crazy, and Reckless Youth as well as
all the IWA stars.


February 23:
South Coast Championship Wrestling
PAL Hall in Fall River, MA

We attempt to win the SCCW Tag Titles from The Hott Boyz.


Febbruary 25:
Yanke Pro Wrestling
United Fisherman's Club in New Bedford, MA

no... we won't be there... but go to see Steve Corino and some of the
stars of Intercontinental Wrestling Alliance of PA in New England!!!

I have heard that you might be able to see Rapid Fire Maldonado, Bax,
cruiserweight champion Evan Leppy, and possibly Allison Danger!!!


MESSAGE FORUM ( Bill Walkowitz concerning us....


Anyhow, See you guys next ish!!!